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Welcome to Flight 2014....We are prepared to take off into this New Year.

Please make sure your Attitudes are secured and locked in an upright position.

All self-destructive devices need to be turned off at this time.

Should you lose your Attitude under pressure during the flight reach upline and pull on the team.

There will be NO BAGGAGE allowed on this flight.

The Captain has cleared us for takeoff..... Your Destination is GREATNESS.....!!

Altairia 101

First Steps

Welcome to the Altairia Family – we are thrilled to have you on the team and we look forward to helping you achieve whatever level of success you aspire to! The following action items will help you to start fast while you build a foundation for long-term success.


We call it “First Steps” because reaching your goals is a journey and today is your first day!


So congratulations, and let’s take off!






What is your WHY?

In other words, write out what you want to accomplish with your business! This is a crucial step, because it clearly defines your goals and it also helps those on your team know what they are working for – yes – your team is invested in your success!

So, write out your WHY and share it with those that will help you achieve it!

Make sure you include a timeline for accomplishing your WHY!  Establish short term, medium and long term goals.  Many like to think about how much and where they want to be when they retire and then work backwards. Retirement planning (road-mapping) is an intricate balance of steps and exercises designed to accomplish your retirement goals and dreams with your investment/work strategies.


I have joined Altairia and will build my business because:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Date you will achieve the rank of SILVER PROMOTER: __­­­­­­­­­­_____­­­­­___________________________

Date of my first NEON Private Event:  _____________________________________________________

Date you will achieve the rank of UNIVERSE PROMOTER:  ______________________________

*Shoot for the stars and what if you only hit a planet?!




Step 2

In any business you need the right tools.  Technology has made life much easier and more efficient.  You can now use your cell phones, laptop computer, iPad or tablets all to build your business.  I will also share with you how to start up a business entity and then show you how to take advantage of legitimate tax write offs.

Your Altairia business is very simple and cost effective compared to most businesses! Your first tool is, a case of NEON.  No product purchase is required to join Altairia, but it certainly helps to be able to share NEON with friends and family if you have some. You need to decide how fast and how big of an organization you want to build.  Then decide which initial product package you want to invest in so you have the appropriate amount of product to begin sharing.  Remember, your people will most likely follow your lead, so they will commit to whatever you did.

We have taken care of the difficult and expensive parts of your business – we handle product development, fulfillment, a beautiful futuristic website, password protected Virtual Office, and commission payment systems.  We are constantly looking for ways to help you build your business by giving you everything you need to share NEON with pride!

Do not make the assumption that with the low startup cost that this cannot be a huge business! That is the farthest thing from the truth.  You don’t have to spend a lot of money to make a lot of money.  Please note, there are no financial guarantees on the amount of money you will make.  You may make a lot of money or you may make no money at all. I can tell you with confidence that when you sample NEON out the taste alone will get people either interested in becoming a customer while others will want to join into your business.



☐  Visit your replicated site, you need to know this because this is where you will send your personally sponsored people to sign up.  Know your URL (i.e.

☐  Tour your Virtual Office

☐  Setup your Autoship (1-2 cases a month on NEON, this keeps you active in the business)

☐  Go to (see all conference calls and events)

☐  Order business cards through the Altairia Business Tool Center found in your Virtual Office

☐  Set up Facebook and LIKE the Altairia International Facebook page so you can receive Facebook posts.

☐  Print 10 copies of the NEON Ingredient List

☐  Print 10 copies of the One Page Compensation Summary

☐  Print one copy of the Altaria International Compensation Plan

☐  Pull out your calendar and block off the time each day that you will build your business for the next 30 days!




Step 3

Now let’s start to build your list. This is really simple – just write down everyone you know. Before we give you a few memory joggers let’s talk about WHY you are building this list.

You have a revolutionary product.  Your product addresses a multi-billion dollar industry that is growing rapidly. Neon Energy Drink truly is one of a kind in that it is all-natural with nothing artificial! There is not one ingredient within Neon Energy Drink that does not benefit the human body in some way!

Secondly, you are not selling – you are sharing and asking questions! You will ask people on your list if they are open to looking at a business, and if they are open, then you will share the Altairia opportunity with them! Once they have seen the information that you share, they will then decide if it’s something they want to do, you want to work with the willing! It is not your job to convince or intimidate. Also, the people you sponsor have the opportunity to make more than you if they build their business bigger. You are in a position to radically impact peoples lives in a really positive way – it’s not about what they can do for you, but rather what this business can do for them!!!

If a person says no, and they will, then gracefully tell them thank for their time and listening to the opportunity.  Then ask them, if they know someone else that they could refer you who might be interested.  You never know what door that person may open for you!

Now write out your list with the help of these memory joggers…




Christmas Card Friends                               Neighbors

Former Neighbors                                        Pharmacist

Yoga Instructor                                             Chiropractor

Teacher                                                          Dentist

Dry Cleaner                                                   Realtor

Church Contacts                                            Auto Repair

Hair Dresser                                                  Lawn Service

Insurance Agent                                            Bank Teller

Fitness Instructor                                         Stockbroker





Make a list of 100 people that you want to share NEON and business with!

Choose your Top 20 in-state

Choose your Top 20 out-of-state

Choose your Top 20 internationally.  Start thinking globally.  While we are not there yet, we plan on being in a 130 international markets in the next 5 to 10 years!



Email Address

Phone Number






















First start with your top 5 people that are go-getters, open-minded and don’t mind talking about making money!



Step 4

This part is pretty simple – drink NEON!

The good news is that you don’t have to be a Doctor to share the healthy benefits with people!

In fact the simpler you can keep your explanation, the better!

It’s also important to always have product and business cards with you, so when people ask you what you do you can sample them, get their contact information and give them your contact information.  (Side note: DO NOT give product away and expect someone to call you, always get his or her contact information first)


‣ Use the product everyday – so you speak from experience

‣ Get educated on the benefits of NEON ingredients:

‣ Share or give away every can of NEON in your first 30 days, depending on the package you purchased to get started.  To fast start your business give away 3 cans a day and see what happens.  Remember that this is a numbers game however the fortune is in the follow up!



Step 5


(How Altairia influenced your life) -- learn to tell it concisely and under different circumstances. Keep in mind that this is a one-minute story!


‣ New start up company with rapid growth

‣ Unique “healthy” Energy Drink

‣ Glows without chemicals, preservative free, Real juice and nothing artificial (flavors or sugars)

‣ Focused on Generation X and Generation Y this is where the new demand is coming from.

‣ Huge financial opportunity and potential. Part of a 20 going to a 50 BILLION dollar industry


As you share NEON ask people if they are open to looking at Altairia.  They will invariably ask you why you joined Altairia. By writing out your story here, you will be ready with a quick and simple response to this question. Remember, this is your story so keep it personal and brief – you are not selling anything; you are simply sharing why you are excited! So write out your story…it often helps to mention how Altairia has impacted your life. Feel free to use some of these “Hot Buttons” if they inquire on why you are excited…



Step 6

The purpose of the invite is to determine if someone is open to looking at Altairia. In other words, you are actually pre-qualifying the person (prospect) so that you don’t waste their time or yours with a needless long discussion. You are asking them to evaluate a business, so this is not a long conversation, but rather a short simple question!

Use the sample invites as the foundation for inviting, Team members that are having success are using these invites right now!

Remember, whether you are brand new or a veteran at Altairia, the person you are inviting is hearing this for the first time, and you are teaching them how they will need to invite, if indeed they join Altairia! This is not the time to dive into the compensation plan or a detailed discussion of all the health benefits! This is a simple invite so that you can set a business appointment at a future date to share the complete business opportunity! Once the business is presented, then your person can make an informed business decision.  You can not make an informed decision from an invite alone!!

Finally, practice the invite until you get comfortable with it, and keep inviting until you find people that are open! Use you up-line team members to meet with your initial prospects until you master the material.



‣ Print out the inviting scripts

‣ Practice the invite with your sponsor or upline

‣ Keep it simple – you are just asking a question!

‣ Do not become emotionally attached to someone else’s decision – whether they are open or not, it’s their decision and says nothing about you or your business decision.




Step 7

Now for the fun part – sharing the business opportunity that is Altairia!! To help you get started we have written out the script for you to use while presenting the business. Before we dive into that, let’s talk about some ground rules…regardless of where you are presenting there are a few rules that apply. First, whenever possible have another Retailer with you when you present the business. Furthermore, I strongly encourage you to let someone in your upline team give the presentation whenever you are presenting to a friend, this keeps it focused on business rather than a validation of your friendship!! If you are presenting to someone that you know is into social media and uses the Internet regularly, then present off your laptop. If the person is not computer savvy then use the printed version of the presentation from the website. For a faster meeting, use the online webinar presentation (  Regardless of which type of presentation you use, it’s vital that you hear and practice the presentation many times before you present it yourself!!

The flow of the meeting should go like this…show up on time dressed appropriately, short positive small talk and thank them for taking some time to evaluate Altairia. Tell your story, then dive into the presentation, keep it to 20 minutes or less.


At the end of the presentation ask them a simple question – " So, can you see how a business model like this can benfit you and/or your family...and provide multiple streams of income coming into your household?” Whatever they say – agree with them and ask them if they would like more detail! If you are presenting by yourself, then this is the time to introduce them to your business partner on the phone, let them answer the questions! If they are interested then ask them at what level they see themselves starting – Voyager, Booster, Launch and Starter Pack! Go online and walk them through how to get started – order their initial product, set up Autoship, etc!

- Click on the Picture -

Before You Begin...Please Make Sure You Have a Notebook and Pen, Dedicated to Your Altairia Business and Education

time to get educated

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