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rising star alert

Michelle Foxx, Houston TX

This young lady is going all the way and will not let anyone detour her from her path to success with Altairia International. Michelle is a first timer in the industry of Network Marketing and has fallen in love with the business model.  She was introduced to the opportunity at a local Houston business social, that introduced Neon and the business opportunity.  She was very impressed by the presentation and was ready to go to work and get uncomfortable.  She hit the Silver Rank within her first week and is on her way to Diamond within her first 60 days.  Her background is in Marketing/Advertising.  She is in the process of building a very successful and strong organization.  Keep a look out for Ms. Foxx...she's coming for that TOP SPOT!!! 


neon nigeria

learn to be different

neon night's

Be daring, be different, be impractical, be anything that will assert integrity of purpose and imaginative vision against the play-it-safers, the creatures of the commonplace, the slaves of the ordinary.

Cecil Beaton

The only thing we know about the future is that it will be different.

Peter Drucker

Strategy is about making choices, trade-offs; it's about deliberately choosing to be different.

Michael Porter

It is very exciting to know that Altairia International, is the first American based network marketing company, to consider Africa the first soil to launch the most amazing opportunity ever witnessed. Amazing in relation to the product, compensation plan, management team and structure. Nigeria, located in West Africa is referred to as "The Giant of Africa and is the most populous country in Africa and the seventh most populous country in the world. Densely populated with over 170 Million people.Nigeria’s economy has much in common with those of China, Brazil, Malaysia and India; free enterprise is the norm. Nigeria is considered to be an Emerging market nation by the World Bank. Now on the verge of being considered the largest economy in Africa and the 37th largest in the world as of currently. Nigeria is listed among the "Next Eleven" economies and is expected to become one of the world's Top 20 economies by 2050.( Despite high economic growth in Nigeria, poverty and inequality continues to take over the country. According to the report given by The World Bank in 2013, it was reported that about 112 Million Nigerians live below the poverty line which constitutes about 67% of the entire population. This is the reason why I an very excited. The Altairia International Middle Class Recovery program and the overall generous compensation plan of our company will help close the gap between the rich and the poor. Especially for those that decides to take advantage of our opportunity and build their business accordingly. With a recession proof product and the best compensation plan in the industry, it is apparent that a lot of Nigerians will win. At Altairia International, blessing lives is our passion and with this in mind, we are going to Nigeria!

Long Live America! Long Live Nigeria!


Femi Akinwande

Altairia International Independent Distributor

United States of America

new powerpoint presentation

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