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We have written these scripts to help you build your team. We don’t want you to reinvent the wheel – so we are providing these scripts that are being used right now to help leaders around the world build their business. Find the script that “feels” right and fits your personality! Remember, when you are inviting someone to look at the business you are not going into a lot of detail – that’s what the presentation is for.

You want your people to make a solid business decision and they can’t do that from a 3 minute invite call – they need to see the presentation and try NEON! So lets start inviting!!

Script 1
Hey Tom, this is Paul, do you have just a minute? Great! I’m calling about a business that I have found, a company called Altairia – have you ever heard of it?
Yeah – me neither – they have developed a brand new energy drink that is healthy. 
Yes, I didn’t know they made one of those either.  Here the kicker, it literally glows against a black light without any artificial colors or chemicals.  Would you be open to trying it?  I’ll give you a sample.
Listen, they just opened in the US market, however they are positioned to grow into 130 international markets because of their partnership with a 2 Billion dollar company called, Wild Flavors.  After tasting the product and seeing how healthy is was I’ve gotten involved. I’m putting together a team to build this and I thought of you!
It will take me about 20 minutes to walk you through what the company is doing. Are you open to taking a look at this? (wait for the answer – which means stop talking!!)
Great – let’s grab a coffee tomorrow – how about 10AM. (set the time and hang up – short and sweet!!)
Script 2
Hi! Calling about business! Do you have 2 minutes? I’m excited about a new product called Neon.  Have you heard of it?  It’s actually a “healthy” energy drink.
Yeah – they really make a healthy one.
The energy drink market is now a 20 billion dollar industry expected to grow to 50 billion.  Energy wellness is the fastest growing sector in the health and wellness industry. I am making a run and want to know if you are open to looking at a new company.
Great – what time can we get together this week – need about 20 minutes – let’s grab a coffee (neon)!
Script 3
Hi Mary! Calling about business do you have 2 minutes? I am in Front of the Money! I have a new product in Energy Wellness that is Revolutionary. I am putting a team together to make a serious financial run. Are you open? It’s a Healthy energy drink that does not have any artificial colors, sweeteners, flavors or preservatives.  In fact when you put it against a black light….it GLOWs! Just started in the US a few months ago, but this is going to explode internationally as well.
Script 4
I am making a run in the Wellness Industry. Revolutionary product with HUGE income potential. Can I show you what I am doing and see if we can make some $$$ together?

Script 5
For a online Webinar/ Presentation
Jeff, this is ___, I need your help. A very intriguing business has come across my desk recently. Quite honestly it’s gotten me excited. Jeff, I'd like to send you a link for the webinar/presentation, get your feedback and hopefully your help. “What’s your email address?
*If they ask for more information right then, say: I’m sure you’ve got questions and I definitely want to give you answers, but it’s the big picture that I want you to see. Not bits and pieces. That’s what’s in the webinar information I’m going to send you. Jeff, promise me you will be on the webinar. See you on the webinar.

Script 6
Hey Ted, a business colleague showed me something I want you to see. What is your email address? I’ll send it over to you right away. Give me a call when you get it - it will take about 20 minutes to go through it. I believe you’ll find it very valuable.

Script 7
Listen to a Conference Call
Sue, a business recently came across my desk that I think is right up your alley. I can’t explain it to you in five minutes. I need about 30. Can you take 30 minutes at 8:00 o’clock tonight?
(Wait for agreement) I want to connect you into a national conference call. I’ll call you at 7:57. This will be on my dime. Take care, I’ll call you just before 8...bye.
Script 8
Hi Jeff, this is Mark, do you have a minute or did I get you at a bad time?
No, I have a minute.  Great, I only have a minute myself...
I'm working on a side business project related to health & wellness. Are you familiar with the growth that's taking place with this industry?
Let me ask you a question. If the money was right and it didn't interfere with your career, would you be open to a business idea that would allow you to take advantage of this positioning?
Great, does it make sense to get together and go through some of the details?
Great – lets meet this week for a coffee (webinar, walk thru the presentation online, etc) what time works for you this week?

Script 9
Hello Mary, this is Judy. Mary the reason I am calling is business, do you have a couple of minutes? Great, I recently started a new business and although I am still learning, I will build a strong team and thought of you. We are having my Energy Wellness Private Event next Tuesday evening at 7 pm and would love for you to attend. The name of the company is Altairia, wait until next week and you can learn all about it.  We start at 7 so see you on Tuesday

Script 10
Mary, this is Judy do you have a couple of minutes; the reason I am calling is business. I started a new business with a company named Altairia. We are already in all 50+ states! Take a look at our biz opp on It only takes 20 minutes so if you can look at it now, I will call you in 30 minutes then we can talk. Great, I’ll call you in 30 minutes.


sample scripts

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